

See how Spendkey can help you

Explore all Features
Data Unification
Spend analysis & insights

Transform vast, unstructured, and siloed spend data into holistic and granular insights. Gain unparalleled visibility into your direct and indirect spend, identify savings opportunities, and improve profitability.

Document Analysis
Document analysis

Effortlessly extract data from diverse sources and documents. Compare, analyse and perform quick checks required for any regulatory compliance to reduce risk, while gaining insights that inform strategies to achieve business goals.

Accurate budgeting
Accurate budgeting & forecasting

Create and maintain growth by harnessing historical spend trends to uncover actionable insights for streamlining budgeting and future forecasting processes.

Savings opportunity
Savings opportunity assessment

Spendkey’s Cassian AI combines spend and contract analytics to identify opportunities for optimising supplier performance, improving negotiations, reducing costs and maximising ROI.

Data Unification
Spend analysis & insights

Transform vast, unstructured, and siloed spend data into holistic and granular insights. Gain unparalleled visibility into your direct and indirect spend, identify savings opportunities, and improve profitability.

Document Analysis
Document analysis

Effortlessly extract data from diverse sources and documents. Compare, analyse, and gain insights to reduce risk, formalise strategies, and achieve your business goals.

Accurate budgeting
Accurate budgeting & forecasting

Create and maintain growth by harnessing historical spend trends to uncover actionable insights for streamlining budgeting and future forecasting processes.

Savings opportunity
Savings opportunity assessment

Spendkey’s Cassian AI combines spend and contract analytics to identify opportunities for optimising supplier performance, improving negotiations, reducing costs and maximising ROI.

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You’re in good company

Trusted by 60,000+ finance professionals and teams around the world

Our platform is trusted by businesses of all sizes, from small startups to Fortune 500 companies, across various industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and retail. With Spendkey, you can confidently make data-driven decisions to achieve your business goals.

View Case Studies
Good Company

You’re in good company

Some of the benefits

Unlock hidden insights and supercharge your earnings growth with the world's first trustworthy spend analytics platform.

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Boost your bottom line

Unlock hidden insights and supercharge your earnings growth with the world's first trustworthy.

piggy bank
Boost your bottom line

Unlock hidden insights and supercharge your earnings growth with the world's first trustworthy.

Boost your bottom line

Unlock hidden insights and supercharge your earnings growth with the world's first trustworthy.

Boost your bottom line

Unlock hidden insights and supercharge your earnings growth with the world's first trustworthy.

Good Company


Make agile spend decisions with strategic intelligence from Spendkey

Making sense of disordered data — whether from supplier contracts, transactions or financial documents — can be more overwhelming than ever during times of economic uncertainty.

You might be frustrated by dashboards or ERP systems that highlight the problem but don’t give you the detailed advice and solutions you seek.

What if there was a solution that integrated all your spending activities and presented a comprehensive view of supplier interactions to simplify your decision-making process?

A single platform that provides customised templates, insights, and valuable recommendations from your data, empowering you with the expertise to take immediate action and uncover cost savings.

Introducing Spendkey — your strategic guide for smarter decisions and faster execution.

Spendkey doesn’t just clean your data and present it in dashboards. Our AI-powered platform automates everyday tasks and arms you with the direct actions needed to make growth-driving decisions confidently.

Take control of your spending, streamline budgeting and forecasting, mitigate risk, and optimise your supplier base with powerful features at your fingertips — all in one easy-to-use platform.

With Spendkey, you’re equipped to make informed decisions and present results to your investors and board with confidence, while driving speed and agility in your sourcing strategies.

What’s more, you’ll have peace of mind with a rapid return on investment. Spendkey was developed by procurement experts and integrates seamlessly with any system, so we'll have you up and running in just 10 days with minimal effort required from you.

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Unlock the Benefits: Why Switch to SpendKey

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Tail Spend
Working with the best

Since implementing Spendkey's tail spend reduction feature, we've been able to save thousands of pounds every month. It's been a game-changer for us!

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Frequently asked questions

What is spend analytics, and why is it important for businesses?

Yes, we can categorise using any hierarchy. We have our own standard one, too.  

Do you do trials?

We do. These usually last 45 days, but exceptions can be made. For more details, please contact agrundy@spendkey.co.uk.

What is spend analytics, and why is it important for businesses?

Yes, we can categorise using any hierarchy. We have our own standard one, too.  

What is spend analytics, and why is it important for businesses?

Yes, we can categorise using any hierarchy. We have our own standard one, too.  

Procurement Leaders: Think Ahead with AI. Join our webinar on Jan 29, 2025, and get a Free AI Readiness Consultation. - Register now

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